If you’ve planned an exercise regimen, you already know all about rest days. Rest days are an essential part of the muscle-building process, though it is a step that many people often forget to include. 

Rest days are built-in days that allow for muscle recovery, which is critical after a workout. Muscle recovery is the building or rebuilding of muscle tissue following exertion (such as a challenging exercise routine). 

Why Muscle Recovery is So Important

Some people might wonder why muscle recovery is so important. After all, to many, it would make more sense to keep working out every day rather than giving themself a break between certain days.

However, this is a significant mistake to make. Muscle doesn’t build or grow during a working – this happens after the workout. You need to give your body time to recover and develop this muscle.

Furthermore, a tough workout can create micro-tears in your muscles. If you ignore professional advice and work out without recovery time, you will stress these micro-tears, causing them to grow. This is the last thing you want, especially if you want to grow healthy muscle.

As long as you’re allowing for muscle recovery, there is no need to worry about these micro-tears. They will heal naturally, and your muscles will grow during this timeframe. It’s the ideal solution.

It is critical to remember that this rule applies to all of your muscles. It doesn’t matter if you’re lifting weights or working on cardio; muscle is muscle. As such, you must build in time for muscle recovery for every muscle you work out.

Tips for Aiding Muscle Recovery

In addition to giving yourself rest days, there are things you can do to help muscle recovery along. Eating the right foods before and after workouts is an excellent start. Ensure that you eat foods rich in protein before and after a workout. And don’t forget those carbs following a workout.

Additionally, staying hydrated before, during, and after workouts is another way to help your muscle recovery. Dehydration can negatively affect this process, so one must aim to avoid this at all costs. Every person’s body is different, so finding the perfect hydration levels for you may take time. Speak to a doctor if this is something you are struggling with.

Finally, remember to get the right amount of sleep each night. As with hydration, this varies from person to person. Some people can get away with only eight hours, while others need more than ten. As a tip, professional athletes often need around ten hours of sleep each night.